We asked floral design tutor Angela Turner to create a festive wreath to set us in the mood for the Christmas period and she came up trumps with this glorious design.

Famed for her botanical sustainable approach, her wreath oozes woodland charm and if you follow her easy step by step instructions you too can get your door looking just as festive.
- Wire Ring
- Moss, responsibly sourced
- Reel Binding Wire (0.56mm gauge)
- Florist Stub Wires (0.71mm/0.90mm gauge)
- Base Materials : Larch twigs, Acacia pravissima, Eucalyptus populus ‘berries’
- Decorative Botanical Materials: Hydrangea, Clematis vitalba, Leucophyta brownii berries, Callicarpa bodinieri ‘Profusion’, Pyracantha ‘Sunny Star’, Cornus alba, Viburnum dentatum ‘Blue Muffin Christom’, Hedera helix
Seasonal sundries
- Rusty stars
- Velvet ribbon
Step by Step
Step 1
Prepare moss by gently pulling it apart to release any hidden debris like bark or twigs that may hinder anchorage of materials.
Step 2
Take a wire ring, of suitable size for the intended door, allowing for expansion when covered in materials. Attach reel wire to the ring and bind handfuls of moss onto it. The moss should be bound on firmly enough to not disintegrate when working on it but also not so densely packed that it is difficult to insert stems or wires into it. Continue this around the ring until complete and then detach the wire.
At this stage attach the hanging mechanic – this could be a small loop of string or ribbon tied on securely to the ring.
Step 3
Make small bunches of base materials by placing them together and bind them with the reel wire. These will create a basic shape and profile. Make a small pile of these, enough to loosely cover the whole ring. Laying them around the ring will give an indication of how many are needed.
Step 4
Reattach the reel wire and bind on the bunches of base material. These don’t need to be bound very densely as other decorative materials will be added later to fill it out. Bind on all bunches until the moss ring is barely visible. Detach reel wire.
Step 5
Wire the individual decorative botanical materials using florist stub wire making sure there are wire ‘legs’ protruding at the base to enable anchoring them into the moss base. The gauge of wire used will depend on the rigidity of the materials being wired. A good strength of wire is required to anchor them firmly – when the wreath is on a door it could get lots of movement, so security is key.
Step 6
Add the decorative botanical materials to the ring taking care to get the stem ends well into the moss which will be their source of hydration and help to keep them fresh for the festive period. Consider distributing them evenly for a harmonious design taking care to bring some down onto the side of the ring, as well as the top, as this will be visible when it is on the door.
Step 7
To complete the ring add your selected seasonal elements. I have added some discreet rusty stars and narrow velvet ribbon. A ribbon can be added in various ways and may or may not include a bow. When attaching the ribbon be mindful of where the hanging loop is to locate the top/centre of the ring. These seasonal elements are optional and can vary widely from contemporary to traditional depending on the degree of weather protection available, style and colour of the intended door and individual taste.
Step 8
Carefully check the back of the ring for any wires that may have come through the moss so as not to scratch the door. Bend any that have strayed, back into the moss.
Affix a secure hook onto the door and place ring in situ. If the door is fairly open to the elements the cool moisture in the air and any rain should keep it damp enough to stay sufficiently hydrated however if the door is situated in a covered or storm porch it would help to remove it from the door and mist it and sprinkle with water occasionally before draining thoroughly and replacing it back onto the door.